Recredentialing Schedule for all CCPA Physicians

According to the State of Illinois Health Care Professional Credentials Data Code, all physicians must be placed on a single recredentialing cycle.  On this cycle, you will be recredentialed every three years.  The date depends on the last digit of your social security number, not the date in which you were initially credentialed with CCPA. For example, if the last digit of your Social Security number ends in “1” your recredentialing dates are April 2024, April 2027 and April 2030 and so on. Please see the chart below to determine when you will be recredentialed next with CCPA.


Based on Last Digit of Physicians' Social Security Number 

  2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
January 8’s 0’s 4’s 8’s 0’s 4’s 8’s
April 9’s 1’s 5’s 9’s 1’s 5’s 9’s
July Open 2’s 6’s Open 2’s 6’s Open
October Open 3’s 7’s Open 3’s 7’s Open

The week before the start of a new credentialing cycle, physicians and office managers will receive an email from CCPA staff notifying them that their recredentialing will began the next month.  The email will contain PDF files of the CCPA Attestation Form and page two (2) of the Illinois application. 

CCPA’s credentialing vendor, Children’s Faculty Practice Plan (FPP) will email out all recredentialing material to you the first or second week of your recredentialing month. To assist with this effort, please contact CCPA if your email address has changed since your last recredentialing cycle.

You are expected to submit all completed recredentialing material back to FPP or CCPA by the due date listed. This allows enough time for the application to be verified by FPP and for the application to be presented before the CCPA Credentialing Committee for approval. It is essential that you return your recredentialing materials to CCPA by the required timeframe so that your application can be approved within the recredentialing deadline. If you do not meet your recredentialing approval deadline, you must be credentialed as an initial applicant and submit the $100 credentialing fee in order to remain in CCPA.