As a member of CCPA, you will have the opportunity to become a part of Illinois’ first clinically integrated health network exclusively committed to children and their families. The LCHPCIN is in a position to deliver services under new payor contracts.

The annual meeting provides an opportunity to network with other CCPA members as well as hospital business staff and pediatric sub-specialists.

CCPA Purchasing Partners, L.L.C. (CCPAPP) is a group purchasing organization that negotiates competitive discounts on products and services on behalf of its members and provides members with the tools and resources to help manage their practices.

Members of CCPA gain individual access to AAP online. Stay current with the latest in pediatrics and infectious diseases with Red Book® Online, Pediatrics (the most-cited journal in the field of pediatrics), AAP News, eBreaking News, Pediatric Care Online™ (including Pediatric Patient Education™) and AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter™ - a $370 value, but free to CCPA members. Log in with your own individual AAP login credentials, to enable remote login, handout customization and mobile app download.

CCPA welcomes feedback and participation from all of its members regarding ways to improve our organization. Current CCPA members can obtain copies of minutes from our latest meetings here on CCPA Business.

Your practice will receive CCPA newsletters detailing new member benefits, health system updates, practice management resources, pertinent healthcare legal issues and additional useful information. Visit CCPA's News and Events section to read our latest newsletters.

Another benefit CCPA members enjoy is discounted registration fees for various practice management and coding CME-approved seminars. Visit CCPA’s News & Events section for more information.

Once approved for CCPA membership, your physician profile will be added to the Find a Doctor feature of the Lurie Children's website. Find A Doctor is a great vehicle that can increase a physician’s visibility in the community. At any point after your profile is uploaded, you may submit updates and changes through CCPA.

As an advantage to participating in CCPA's managed care agreements, CCPA's staff will help you with any reimbursement or claim issues that may come up with any of CCPA's contracted plans. In addition, if any of your information ever changes, CCPA will send notice to our managed care plans on your behalf.

One of the benefits of being a member, is CCPA offers a one-stop credentialing with all of its managed care payors. This means that once you have become credentialed with CCPA, you will not need to be credentialed with each one of our plans individually. In addition, you will not be required to submit recredentialing paperwork to any of our managed care plans. You will only need to complete one recredentialing application for CCPA every 36 months.

CCPA manages payor contracting on behalf of its members through a "messenger model." As the area's only pediatric Independent Physician Association (IPA), CCPA works to execute fee-for-service managed care contracts for pediatricians and pediatric specialists. CCPA's contracts protect physicians' interests and accommodate the unique needs of pediatric providers. Learn more about CCPA managed care plans.

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29 Apr, 11:36 AM
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