
Time for a Check-up

Dear CCPA Member,

The CCPA staff would like to thank all those who attended the annual meeting and for making the annual meeting a success! CCPA would also like to thank our speakers:

  • Brandon Bentacourt (Key Performance Indicators)
  • Heidi Chamberlin (Seven Pitfalls of Billing & How to Avoid Them)
  • Chip Hart (The Seven Biggest Business Mistakes Pediatricians Make)

The webinar is available free of charge to watch at your convenience.  
Click below to access all the presentations:

Please click here to view Brandon Betancourt's presentation

Produce plans to improve the practices' billing process to protect the practices' financial venue.

Please click here to view Heidi Chamberlin's presentation
Develop plans for reviewing the practices' key performance indicators (KPIs) to improve the practices' financial and operational workflows, which determine a practice's financial stability and/or growth.

Please click here to view Chip Hart's presentation
Create plans to improve business practices to avoid mistakes that reduce the clinical and financial viability of the practices.